Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Politecnico di Bari, Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Global Value/Supply Chains (GV/SCs) have been subject to several challenges during the last years, due to the rise of some macro-trends that are affecting the cross-border production networks. Specifically, international geopolitical tensions, digital transformation, sustainability, and made-in effects are shaping (and will continue to shape) the evolution of GV/SCs.
According to UNCTAD (2020), two scenarios are more likely for the future of GV/SCs: (i) diversification, which implies the adaptation of GV/SCs to the trends through a geographic reconfiguration of some activities and the adoption of digital technologies aimed at increasing their resilience; (ii), regionalization, which implies a shortening of the chains through some reshoring initiatives, aimed at reducing the exposure to international risks and accommodating the challenge of sustainability and made-in effect.
This project aims at understanding how macro-trends are affecting the participation of Italian companies to GV/SCs, by providing evidence on the reconfiguration and relocation strategies adopted by Italian companies in different industries, as well as on the mechanism that triggers managers in field to reshape the footprint of their GV/SCs when they are subject to pressures (such as the sustainability challenge or the threat of unexpected disruptions) that give birth to trade-offs.
More specifically, the project will be developed along three different research lines.
Each research line will be further divided in two different work-packages (WP).
Macro-economic analysis:
This project will provide guidelines, tools, interpretative frameworks, and quantitative models that can be adopted by managers and policymakers to improve the competitiveness and sustainability of made-in-Italy products and firms and the attractiveness of their home territories.
The main key exploitative results that will be achieved by this project – among those ones reported in the main proposal of Spoke 7 – are:
In the following, we describe for each WP the partners involved, the main methodologies employed, the deliverables, the expected results, and the expected impact.
Progetto n.: PE_00000004
C.F. 97931690156