Spoke 5
Ambition: a new concept for a factory that does not exist yet: a zero-waste, pollution-free, energy-neutral, closed-loop, natural-oriented, human-centred, socially-oriented, inclusive, fully safe, self-sufficient, self-regenerative factory. A new factory concept that will lead Made in Italy towards the Urban Factory and even to the Factory in Space!
Modelling and identification of new manufacturing processes to be experimented with at a lab scale. This Smart Factory will be able to contribute to a multi-loop SC, where reused and recycled materials are returned to the production cycle generating new functionality and value.
Investigation of advanced solutions for the optimization of energy consumption in manufacturing and End-of-Life processes according to the logic of industrial symbiosis.
Development of production technologies, processes, industrial smart working, new competencies for high-quality and inclusive work as well as the preservation of inherited craftmanship skills.
Project n.: PE_00000004
C.F. 97931690156
Registered headquarters Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano
Operative headquarters Via Copernico, 38, 20125 Milano | Edificio C – Piano 1
Sede Sud Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani, 70, 80146 Napoli | Laboratorio Ricreami CESMA – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II