Università degli Studi di Padova, Sapienza Università di Roma, Leonardo S.p.A. ITALTEL S.p.A., SCM Group,
Energy efficiency of energy–intensive industries as well as local energy distribution networks and multi-energy systems goes through the definition and implementation of innovative monitoring and control systems that can transform the collected data into correlated and usable information by means of a sustainable, well-designed, and upgradable energy management information system (EMIS).
Furthermore, Energy efficiency is strictly linked to Operational Excellence through the implementation of a Prognostic and Health Management System (PHMS) capable to monitor critical productive assets, facilities and areas, to detect anomalies, identify fault causes and predict remaining useful life in order to support decision in real time driven by the state-of-the-art condition-based technology techniques and strategies for reliability centered maintenance.
Both EMIS and PHMS combine software, hardware, and data to support people in managing energy at the process, system, facility, and enterprise levels. Their function can be grouped into four layers, devoted to:
Layer1 includes the collection of the sensor data needed for the analysis, through proper IoT technologies and platforms, their integration and their adaptation to the format required by the subsequent operations. Layer2 requires the use of innovative Data Mining techniques, and the use of Machine Learning (ML) models is strictly required to develop – in Layer3 – smart monitoring functions devoted to both efficiency analysis and condition monitoring for fault detection, predictive maintenance, and control. ML-based technologies allow to implement efficiently the targets presented in layer2 and in particular they allows to define tools for:
In the project, the algorithms that will be developed for diagnostics, prognostics and Energy Efficiency, focus to:
Development of a digital twin of the product through the identification of cross-correlations to support Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis, Design for Manufacturability, critical to quality measurements identification and range setting and advanced root cause analysis support.
The Product Digital Twin is based on the concept of linking all the measures of test report of the item with the measurements of tests carried out at a sub-assembly level, associated to the relative data of inventory to guarantee the operational performance required by the product.
A task of the project will be, starting from the information collected and evaluated by EMIS/PHMS, the development of methods and techniques for the implementation of Machine Learning algorithms on image recognition, defect identification, clustering and advanced statistical process control capable to exploit data retrieved by automated optical inspection machines.
Aim of the method is to develop a quality control process that detects defects and performs assessments based on machine learning models determining whether the target unit has any defects present that will negatively affect the resulting product.
• The main result of this project will be the specification and the analysis of the feasibility of EMIS/PHMS implemented in a real manufacturing context. Energy plant monitoring, energy efficiency of the different apparatus involved in the company activities, fault detection and prognostic algorithms represent the targets of the project. A Digital Twin able to support the decision process along the life cycle of the plant will be defined with the support of the data shared with industrial partners.
• In order to achieve these long-term results, the researchers involved will investigate the theoretical concept, the main architecture of the EMIS, and will develop a prototype of the Digital Twin considering the case study defined with the companies involved in the project. The different technologies will be integrated, tuned and tested and the final expected results of this project will be as follows:
• Development of technical specifications and baselines for the EMIS. General validation and agreement by all the partners involved.
• Definition of a strategy for the collecting and processing of the data, considering their variety in terms of origin, protocols, meanings etc.
• Dynamic data acquisition, sensor data fusion and data management considering the hypothesis of distributed architecture
• Definition of the algorithms devoted to energy efficiency analysis, diagnostic, predictive maintenance and prognostic
• Definition of strategies and actions to be taken for reliability centered maintenance and energy optimization
• Digital Twin specification
• Investigation and report development regarding the expected limits and criticalities in implementing an EMIS/PHMS and a digital twin at industrial level
• In particular:
Machine Learning applied to test data for Digital Twin development
– Definition of baselines for the product digital twin implementation
– Definition of a strategy for the collecting and processing of the data, considering their variety in terms of origin, protocols, meanings
– Dynamic data acquisition, sensor data fusion and data management considering the hypothesis of distributed architecture
– Definition of the algorithms devoted to product optimization, advanced root cause analysis, critical parameters identification, predictive capability.
– Development of a digital twin of a pilot product based on real data in an industrial scenario
AI and Machine Learning applied to defect detection based on sensor data and image recognition
– Definition of a strategy for the collecting and processing of the data, considering their variety in terms of origin, protocols, meanings
– Dynamic data acquisition, sensor data fusion and data management considering the hypothesis of distributed architecture
– Definition of the algorithms devoted to quality control process, clustering, critical parameters identification, predictive capability.
– Development of a digital twin of a pilot product based on real data in an industrial scenario
– Implementation of Machine Learning Models applied to real data retrieved by quality inspection phase of core industrial processes
Project n.: PE_00000004
C.F. 97931690156
Registered headquarters Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano
Operative headquarters Via Copernico, 38, 20125 Milano | Edificio C – Piano 1
Sede Sud Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani, 70, 80146 Napoli | Laboratorio Ricreami CESMA – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II