7.05 Cultural value chains: From local traditional production districts to a new country of origin effect.

Annalisa Di Roma
Politecnico di Bari

Università degli Studi di Padova, Politecnico di Milano, Natuzzi S.p.A. 

7.05 Cultural value chains: From local traditional production districts to a new country of origin effect.

The innovation of products and processes in a circular and sustainable key requires to place in analysis the entire supply chain of goods and services, including the sub-supply of materials and materials, sub-supply of production processes, sub-supply of services, thus also recognizing the role of those know how historically established in the territories, supporting the innovation of high quality craft-manufacturing systems in the context of the digital standards of contemporary industry and services.
In this perspective, the project, through a multidisciplinary and design led approach, will outline the role of supply chain actors, as historically established, defining the context of product and service innovation starting from the enhancement of knowledge (also defined on a cultural basis) and practices related to the use and consumption of goods, processes related to production processes, the provision of services to support production chains, and the guidelines to support innovative sales corners (able to respond to new shopping experience needs).
The project will consider the sofa supply chain and the textile supply chain and will contribute to the issue of competitiveness of local territorial business systems as supply chain aggregations belonging to Made in Italy, operating in a specific geographic and cultural area.
The project will consist of the following 6 work-packages that will be collaboratively carried out by project partners:

  • WP1. Sofa supply chain. Sustainable innovation. This task aims at developing tools and guidelines to enhance innovation in the traditional (crafted based) sofa systems.
  • WP2. Leather scraps supply chain. Waste valorization. This task aims at analyzing the flows and consistency of production waste (leather scraps) with a particular focus on the case-study of Natuzzi company.
  • WP3. Shopping experience in physical stores. New paradigms for the user engagement. The task is based on the research of new paradigms for the furniture and their adaptivity to the different kinds of shopping experience (shops, exhibitions, temporary pavilions, design fairs, etc.), according to the companies’ identity.
  • WP4. Textile supply chain. A cultural approach to innovation. Closely related to the “mind/body compartment, in order to combine emotions, imagination, sensorially, to integrate sensory, affective, cognitive, behavioral, and social experiences in the textile supply chain.
  • WP5. Improve knowledge on contextual design approach for the enhancement of traditional production systems. This task aims at defining a reference framework set by the “Remanufacturing” metaphor, as the identification of reparative and regenerative development paradigms.
  • WP6. Definition of new methods and tools for developing and implement more effective branding, communication. This task aims at developing new models of “customer experience” related with the environmental and social sustainability as well as to the role of cultural heritage. These actions will be supported by the analytical-visual tools that belong to communication in infographics.

Key Exploitable Results

  • Proof of concept of improved knowledge on the design methods and approaches for the development of Circular and sustainable BMs Archetypes product and services
  • Proof of concept of improved knowledge on contextual design approaches for sustainable consumer
  • Proof of Concept of the Sustainable and Circular Made in Italy country of origin effect through a new brand identity
    These general results will be achieved through the following 6 WP.

WP1. Sofa supply chain. New paradigms of use and experience
Improving the traditional sofa system supply chain, identifying wellness needs in contemporary furniture solutions and improving customer awareness toward sustainability.

  • D1. Report on literature analysis (M6)
  • D2. (M12) Mapping of locally based supply chains, based on high craftsmanship know-how. Questionnaire for multiple-case studies.
  • D3 Mapping of new practices and usage needs for product and supply chain innovation (M18)
  • D4 Concept design (M24)

WP2. Leather scraps supply chain. Waste valorization
Cultural heritage enhancement for customer awareness, reduction of the waste from the leather scraps.

  • Literature analysis report (M9)
  • Mapping of the possible already tested ways of reusing and recycling leather waste (M12)
  • Development of guidelines for circular procurement and efficient secondary raw material to be designed or reused. Concept development of a new leatherette material (M18)
  • Report on the use of recycled leather as a material that improves acoustic comfort (M24)

WP3. Shopping experience in physical stores. New paradigms of user engagement
Enhancement of the typicality physical retail place for a new customer engagement and a customer new awareness toward circular economy and sustainability.

  • Report on literature analysis (M8)
  • Analysis of the most representative study cases (M12)
  • Concept design (M24)

WP4. Textile supply chain. A cultural approach to innovation
Multisensory design of textiles related to the “Made in Italy origin effect” and its local supply chains, identification of the perceptual/sensory characteristics of textile supply chains, and their computational parameterization for the purpose of user-engagement and user-experience optimization (based on the INMATEX methodology www.inmatex.it).

  • Report on literature analysis (M7)
  • Identification of perceptual/sensory characteristics of textile (M12- M18)
  • Concept design of the connections between global and local (M24)

WP5. Improve knowledge on contextual design approach for the enhancement of traditional production systems.
Key exploitative results:
Mapping and case study analysis of craft productions and cultural heritages related to material culture., Identify the historical reputation values of Made in Italy and its supply chains with the local “historical-cultural deposits”, with reference to the southern contexts.


  • Literature analysis report (M9)
  • Mapping of the crafts production for cultural heritage (M12)
  • Report on global networks for “recycle” (M 18)
  • Report on new approach to innovation in the small-medium enterprise (M24)

WP6. Definition of new methods and tools for developing and implement more effective branding, communication.
Development of communication and branding strategies, as well as visual identity projects, for local production systems and supply chain with high craft content;

  • Analytic-visual practices for the study of communication models in an infographic key, to implement “knowledge processes” (M12)
  • Identification of the models/archetypes appropriate to communication design and visual identity historically determined by and for Made in Italy. (M18)
  • Line guide for visual tools for made in Italy values (M24)