This project relates to Task 3.4.1 “Functionalisation of consumer products to highly-efficient, eco-friendly materials” of the Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile (MICS) Extended Partnership project.
Key elements of the project
The textile sector, both traditional and technical, is constantly evolving. Made in Italy requires an increasing use of innovative technologies but, above all, of highly efficient and ecological products and processes. It is therefore crucial to impart chemical, natural, and sustainable functionalization to provide the textile materials with most varied properties and, at the same time, to use waste as secondary raw materials.
To promote greater sustainability of the textile supply chain, this project proposal aims to study, develop, and characterize bio-based treatments for textile substrates of both natural and synthetic origin.
In response to the growing demand for sustainable textile materials, formulations with components of natural origin (up to 75%) will be selected, using as a criterion the relative availability in the market that ensures their immediate industrial scalability. Furthermore, these products will be chosen with the aim of identifying useful compositions for the development of matrices through which to propose functionalizing finishes (antibacterial, flame retardant, water repellent, photo-catalyst and, more generally, films with barrier effects).
The main objectives to be achieved concern, in particular:
Design synthesis and characterization of potential innovative textile finishing treatments by eco-friendly formulations to:
– replace hazardous or fossil-based chemicals;
– to design textile materials towards the circular economy.
Results will fall within TRL 1 and TRL4.
Project progress will be regularly monitored by reporting measurable indicators every eight months.
Project n.: PE_00000004
C.F. 97931690156
Registered headquarters Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano
Operative headquarters Via Copernico, 38, 20125 Milano | Edificio C – Piano 1
Sede Sud Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani, 70, 80146 Napoli | Laboratorio Ricreami CESMA – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II