1.05 Cross-sectoral Platform for sustainable and circular textile

Debora Giorgi
Aprile 2023
Marzo 2025
Università degli Studi di Firenze

Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, ITALTEL S.p.A.

1.05 Cross-sectoral Platform for sustainable and circular textile

Il progetto mira a creare una piattaforma di servizi pensata per accompagnare e sostenere i cluster di PMI dei distretti tessili nella transizione circolare e sostenibile. I servizi riguarderanno 4 macro-aree di servizio: supporto legale, tecnologico e progettuale in linea con le nuove normative, soluzioni digitali abilitanti per industrial designer e progettisti (eco-design); condivisione delle informazioni necessarie per le operazioni di riciclo, riuso, riparazione e disassemblaggio lungo l’intera filiera (tracciabilità e trasparenza); sviluppo di reti e partnership tra imprese settoriali e intersettoriali (simbiosi industriale). 


The project aims to contribute to ‘Objective 2: Developing new enhanced digitally enabled solutions allowing designers and engineers to access, share and use knowledge and resources for circular design, development, and management processes. And to the activities: W1- Development of advanced digital representation solutions (A1 and A2) based on highly realistic product rendering for a fully digitized process. W3 -Development of Design control and product lifecycle management interfaces for A1 & A2 sectors through solutions and tools that are based on multistakeholder sustainability data exchange. In line with the objectives and activities of spoke 1, the services to be activated on the platform will cover: – Legal, technological and design support in line with Extended Producer Responsibility – Digital enabling solutions for industrial designers and planners – Development of networks and partnerships between sectoral and cross-sectoral companies. The project includes also the contribution of 1 m/u Filippo Visintin of UNIFI from Spoke 7 New and consumer-driven business models for resilient and circular supply chains, who will bring input regarding the configuration of circular and sustainable supply chain models. Tools to be developed: A – Tools for design consistent with extended producer responsibility. B – Tools for tracking and populating textile reuse and recycling supply chains for companies wishing to expand/enter one or more stages of these supply chains. C – Database of materials referred to both pre-consumer textile swatches/samples (B2B) and post-consumer textile goods not (more) usable in second-hand markets but usable for extracting usable pieces (C2B) that responds to business needs (traceability, LCA, typology…) in which the pieces sorted, classified and stored are easily retrieved and finely understood in their aesthetic and functional qualities even for cross-sectoral uses; D – Tools for traceability, retrieving, evaluation, circular and sustainable design; E – Best practices and repository of techniques and know-how for recycling and transformation of materials, which can be made available to companies, innovative start-ups and spin-offs that are part of the platform. Methodology: Codesign methods will be applied to define the platform’s needs and services by providing for broad involvement of enterprises and key stakeholders. UX design methods and tools will be used for the platform design TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept